Now while it is a good thing to have a credit card in the event of emergencies that may come about that could potentially wipe out your checking account if you use that, it's important to know the true meaning of needs vs. wants. Credit cards are not bad, it's the judgement of some people that use them. They easily confuse the 2 and that's where the problems arise. As long as you keep your priorities straight, and use credit like it's supposed to be used, then you should be ok.
A credit card you should look for, ideally is one without an annual fee and a low or 0 introductory interest rate. But my advice is to keep the balance no more than 30% of your total available credit to minimize the interest anyway.
Chase, Bank of America, and Citi all offer fairly good cards
I hope this answer helps out,
Good luck!|||You can visit and find very useful tips and several articles on credit card related matters.
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|||go to and sign up for a Credit Card this site has all the major credit cards
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|||Credit cards are very handy for on line purchases but i would have to say that the best advantage is the reward points you can earn on them.
Check out and click on credit cards. It has some good advice on credit cards and how to pay them off if you are struggling.
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|||get one from orchard bank or chase..|||If you haven't needed a cc up until people have been telling you that you need one, don't worry about it. You really don't 'need' one. The only reason that I got my cc (aside to help with my credit score!) was for emergiencies-and that was at my hubby's suggestion. I ended up applying for a card through my bank/federal credit union. They will be easier than any other place, especially if you have been with them for a while. Make sure you have NO annual fee. Aside from that, pick and choose.|||do you really need it right now? ask your self that.. if u really need to.. check this page out|||I would highly suggest getting a credit card.
If you've been using your debit card to pay for things, consider substituing with a credit card. Just use your credit card to pay for everything, then write one big check at the end of the month. This is so much easier when it comes to balancing your checkbook. You don't have to keep track of all the stuff you bought with your debit card. You just look at your credit card statement and write one big check, it's easy.
The rewards are a great way to get cash back and earn travel miles and things. Some people even put their rent on their card, or have their car loan payments and mortgage payments run throguh their cards before they pay them. This is a huge way to earn rewards points. Cash back is a big enough incentive for me any day.
Building good credit is one of the most important things you can do for yourself financially. Remember that.
Scroll down to the credit card search area on this webpage:鈥?/a>
That's the best page I know of for finding a card.
I would also heavily suggest that you don't use your card to purchase things you don't have the money to pay for. Don't carry a balance, and if you do (gasp) always pay more than the minimum.
Remember that credit cards are a way to manage your finances, not a way to go crazy. Don't use credit cards to compile more debt.
Hope that helps|||I use credit cards to build credit and get cash back on purchases. You can get up to 5% cash back. If you are interested go here鈥?/a>|||you might want to go here to compare them
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