Sunday, December 4, 2011

How come my credit score was Zero after Bankruptcy Discharge & how can i build my credit?

I filed bankruptcy in 2008 and discharged same year. My Credit Score is still Zero, How can i rebuild my credit score again. I got a 2 secured credit cards, 1 from USBank and the other from Golden1 Credit Union.|||Go to your bank and ask them about a secured card.

Make sure it reports to the credit bureaus - and you replace the money in full each month.

Ask to see if this card will turn into a credit card after a year even with a bankruptcy on file.

That is your best hope to rebuild credit.

Once it turns into a credit card - remember to pay in full each month.

Not the minimum, not close to the minimum, but the entire balance - no games.

Carrying balances can destroy credit and in some cases ruin lives.

/|||Rebuilding credit after bankruptcy is like trying to rebuild a house after you dropped a nuke on it.

You need to decide what you want.

1) a high credit score

2) a big bank account

Because the path to get one prevents you from getting the other.|||I don\'t know,you can ask the Big G

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