I am attempting to build a positve credit rating and I need a card that reports to the credit bureau, but will allow me to obtain it without a credit check. HELP?|||You can't get a credit card that will report to the credit bureaus that doesn't do a credit check first. If you don't have good enough credit to get a normal credit card you may end up with what's called a secured credit card. Which means that you put a security deposit down and in exchange you get a credit card to use. And then as long as all your payments are on time and you don't go over your credit limit they'll give you back your security deposit usually after about a year.|||Capital One secured credit cards have completely changed the meaning of secured credit cards. Capital One secured credit cards provide very reasonable interest rates and perks that many other secured credit cards do not offer, ..http://www.freewebs.com/getanswer/CapitalOneSecuredCreditCards.html
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|||prepaid|||I dont think there is one. You would have to get a prepaid one|||There are a couple of credit cards for people with bad credit. Continental finance, first premier or orchard bank are among the best. Most of them do not require credit check. Good luck.|||Check out http://www.ineedrates.com|||Go to the major credit card websites and look at the applications for student credit cards.
I believe all CCs check credit reports, but it varies on the minimum requirements needed to get approved. Few will lend you money without checking if you are trustworthy.
Your first CC will likely be a low-limit, high-interest one, so your credit-building task might be a slow one. Ask at your bank about getting one through them. Remember, if you get a CC, try not to carry a balance on it and DON'T BUY IT IF YOU CAN'T AFFORD IT. CCs are magic-money-cards, they are meant to make money for the CC companaies.
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