Is this possible?|||I think in this case person B would need to add A as an authorized user on the account and then the transfer can take place. Most companies will not transfer debt if the names on the account are different, but if person A is authorized on the account then there should be no problem and also person A could then check the balance remaining when ever and also make payment on line with out having to bother person B. Good luck and I hope that I have been able to help.|||please visit to get some very useful info,tips,advise about your credit card.
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|||It doesn't matter what the situation is, the answer is always no. Even married people can't transfer credit card balances to each other's cards unless they are both cardholders. Being an authorized user doesn't count either. You have to be the actual cardholder on both cards to transfer balances from one to another.|||yes, you can transfer the debt. just call the company and give them the info, just to be on the safe side have the other person with you in case they need to verify with them. you may have to add person b as a user on the person a's card to do this.|||If you other credit card has a amount left on it that doesn't exceed your first card you can call and set up a transfer of the first balance to the second companies card.|||one way to do it is to get a cash advance on the card with a lower rate and use it to pay off the other cards. Person B will need to REALLY trust person A, though|||YES, you can pay your credit card bill with a
different credit card.
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